
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Introducing: Y.A.T.

Photo via

Young. Talented. Young And Talented. This is what Y.A.T. stands for. It is going to be a new section of my blog, where I'll feature young artists (be it design, makeup, photography or any other fashion-related artists) that are gaining ground in this area. I feel like it's very important for young talented adults to support each other. Especially in my small country, where it's really hard to establish your name, since people aren't very receptive to new things. 
Let's take blogging for example. A lot of people still think it's such a stupid idea to write about clothes, make inspirational colagges or take photos of your own outfits. I agree, it may really sound silly to people who aren't familiar with this field. But do they know that blogging has become a full-time job and occuppation that offers travelling the world, meeting some of the biggest designers and earn more than in many other 'normal' jobs? I bet they don't. Times have changed and development of technology has created new jobs. I wish people would be more acceptable and support new talents that are discovering these new areas.

All that said, Y.A.T. is going to be a presentation of young people and their work in an interview. I hope you're going to like it and get to know some of the new Slovenian rising stars ;)

Mladi in talentirani, young and talented. To je Y.A.T. Gre za novo rubriko, ki sem se jo odločila uvesti v blog. V njej bom predstavljala mlade umetnike (naj bodo to oblikovalci, fotografi ali make-up artisti), ki se še uveljavljajo na modnem področju. Sploh v naši mali državi se mi zdi izredno pomembno, da med mladimi talenti vlada prijateljstvo in da drug drugega pri delu podpirajo/mo. Po mojem mnenju so ljudje namreč še zmeraj zelo nedovzetni za nove stvari. 
Če vzamem za primer bloganje.. veliko znancem se še zmeraj zdi totalno neumno, da blogerka piše o tem, kaj si je nazadnje kupila v trgovini ali kaj se skriva v njeni torbici. In zakaj za vraga bi se slikala v svojih outfitih in to objavila na svojem blogu? Ok, mogoče se res sliši neumno, ampak ko enkrat veš, da lahko to postane tvoj poklic, tvoja služba, s pomočjo katere lahko prepotuješ velik del sveta in zaslužiš veliko več kot marsikdo v 'običajni' službi.. ko veš, da lahko opravljaš delo, ki te dejansko veseli in v katerem uživaš.. no, potem vse skupaj ni več tako nesmiselno. Seveda je res, da ne uspe kar vsakomur, ampak ko enkrat veš, da je uspelo drugim.. zakaj ne bi tudi tebi?

Z omenjeno rubriko bi rada ljudem približala nova modna področja, ki jih je omogočil družbeni razvoj in upam, da pripomorem k temu, da ljudje postanejo bolj dovzetni in spodbudni do mladih talentov.

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