
Friday, September 26, 2014

Hey, Missy!

You know my obsession with bags, right? I guess some are obsessed with shoes, but I prefer bags. Although Chanel 2.55 remains at the top of my wishlist, I find a new favourite every month. Some time ago I was looking at Stylescrapbook's post and saw a beautiful blue croc-effect bag that went perfect with her outfit and *bam*, I had a new favourite. It's Neri Karra's Missy bag, that comes in two sizes, countless color options and lots of different patterns. Every Missy tells her own story and I've chosen three different ones to built a specific outfit around them. Which one is your favourite?

Po skoraj dveh letih ustvarjanja bloga, najbrž že poznate mojo obsedenost s torbicami. Zame so torbice tisti ključni modni dodatek, ki zaokroži celoten videz in izraža posameznikov slog oblačenja. Na vrhu mojega seznama želja je sicer še zmeraj Chanel 2.55, takoj za njo se uvršča torbica (mini) Missy, blagovne znamke Neri Karra, v katero sem se zaljubila na prvi pogled! Všeč mi je raznolika izbira živih barv in zanimivih vzorcev, ravno prava velikost in praktična oblika. Čeprav velja, da obleka naredi človeka, to vsekakor velja tudi za 'misice', ki vsaka zase govorijo svojo zgodbo. Izbrala sem tri različne in okrog vsake sestavila outfit za različno priložnost. Kateri je tvoj najljubši?


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Ciao, Milano!

From Gucci, Versace and Giorgio Armani to D&G, Emilio Pucci and Marni.. Milan FW has some of the biggest designers to present. Even though there were quite a few beautiful collections, it wasn't hard deciding on my favourite. When I saw Chiara Ferragni's video from the show on her Instagram, with models skating and 'I'm a Barbie girl' song playing in the background, I knew Moschino is my favourite! Well, I wasn't expecting anything less from the amazing Jeremy Scott and his rich imagination, but still, he always knows how to surprise! He's the only one that can break all the fashion rules and still design the best collection with some of the most fantastic pieces. Fashion should be fun and this is what he does. This time the line was inspired by iconic Barbie and even though I've never played with it in my childhood, I'd love to wear some exciting pinky pieces from the collection! What about you?

Iz Londona tokrat potujemo v Milano, čigar teden mode se lahko pohvali z najodmevnejšimi imeni modne industrije. Čeprav me je navdušilo kar nekaj kolekcij in sem našla kar nekaj kosov, ki bi jih z veseljem imela v svoji omari, pa ni dvoma o tem, kdo mi je bil najljubši. Vse odkar je Jeremy Scott prevzel vlogo kreativnega vodje pri Moschinu (pri katerem je, mimogrede, nekoč opravljal prakso), je popolnoma razburkal modne vode in porušil vsa modna pravila. S svojo bujno domišljijo in izrednim talentom zna ustvariti dih jemajoče kolekcije, ki navdušijo prav vsakogar. Moda bi morala biti zabavna in prav to je tisto, kar on počne. Tokrat ga je navdihnila ikona Barbie in čeprav se sama v otroštvu nisem igrala z barbikami, bi z veseljem oblekla kak punčkast roza kos iz kolekcije! Kaj pa ti?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Best of LFW

From New York to London. This time I present you my favourite catwalk looks from the English Capital. I was really looking forward to see Burberry Prorsum collection, which as you may know, I'm always very excited about, but unfortunatelly this time it left me indifferent. I feel like it was missing the main thread and the see-through outfits were quite non-functional. Oh well, I guess every love story comes to an end and this year I replaced my ex with Marchesa. I mean.. WOW! Just look at the sexy lace, feminine cuts and floral embroidery! I really wouldn't mind wearing these beautiful dresses for a night out or even get married in one of those two ah-mazing princess gowns! :) Are you impressed as much as I am? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Mrzlica modnega meseca me je kar posrkala vase in vsak dan s hrepenenjem gledam slike modnih blogerk, ki v izbranih outfitih pozirajo gručam fotografov, jim zavidam selfieje s slavnimi zvezdniki na after party-jih in občudujem čudovite nove kolekcije modnih dizajnerjev. Čeprav sem bila razočarana nad revijo Burberry Prorsuma, ki me običajno več kot navduši, pa me je toliko bolj očarala Marchesina kolekcija, ki jo odražajo prefinjene čipke, volančki, izvezene rože in ženstvene silhuete. Čista romantika, o kateri sanja vsaka ženska!



Monday, September 15, 2014

NYFW Favourites

New York Fashion Week has ended and I'm bursting with excitement over the gorgeous spring-summer collections. The sight of all these feminine silhouettes, pastel colors and floral patterns make me want to skip fall and jump straingt into spring. Maybe I'll feel better sharing with you some the looks of collections that impressed me the most. Which one was your favourite?

Newyorškega tedna mode je konec in mene kar razganja od navdušenja nad pomladno-poletnimi kolekcijami, ki so bile na njem predstavljene. Že res, da se je jesen komaj začela, ampak ob pogledu na vse te ženstvene silhuete, pastelne barve in rožaste vzorce bi jo najraje kar preskočila. Morda me potolaži to, da z vami delim kolekcije, ki so me najbolj navdušile. Katera pa je vas?







Thursday, September 11, 2014

Fall Basics

Although fall has not officially started yet, the shops are already filled with new collections and fashion magazines report which trends will dominate this season. September-fashion-fever totally pulled me in and with this purpose, I present you my top five basic pieces for fall. Since we are talking about basics which can be combined in a lot of ways and worn for various occasions, I usually invest a little more money in them and buy good quality pieces that can be worn for several years. Let me know which are YOUR basic pieces in the comments below! 

Čeprav se jesen uradno še ni začela, se trgovine že polnijo z novimi kolekcijami, modne revije pa napovedujejo trende, ki bodo kraljevali to sezono. Tudi mene je septembrska modna mrzlica že čisto potegnila vase in s tem namenom vam tokrat predstavljam pet osnovnih jesenskih kosov, ki so v tem letnem času na dnevnem redu mojega oblačenja. Ker gre za kose, ki jih je mogoče kombinirati na ogromno načinov in nositi za različne priložnosti, vanje običajno investiram malce več denarja in si kupim res kvalitetne in dobro izdelane kose, ki jih je mogoče nositi več let.


I bought my first trench coat five years ago and I must admit that I still wear it today. It's a classic and one of those eternal pieces that every woman must have in her closet. What I like most about it is that I can combine it with jeans and flats during the day or wear it with an elegant dress and high heels in the evening. It is very elegant and feminine piece that makes every outfit look polished.

Svoj prvi trenčkot sem si kupila pred petimi leti in moram priznati, da ga nosim še danes. Je klasičen modni kos, ki ga trendi zapovedujejo že kar nekaj zadnjih let in eden izmed tistih večnih kosov, ki ga mora imeti v omari vsaka ženska. Najbolj mi je všeč, da ga lahko kombiniram h kavbojkam in balerinkam za čez dan ali k elegantni obleki in salonarjem, ko se zvečer odpravljam ven. Zame je trenčkot eden izmed tistih elegantnih kosov, v katerem je vsaka ženska videti urejeno.


Leather has been a big fashion trend for years now and it seems like it's going to stay on the fashion scene also through this season. It is sexy and daring but at the same time very feminine and elegant. Leather skirt is ideal for a transitional season, because it isn't only pretty but also warm. When I am tired of wearing pants (which, by the way, I do too much!), leather skirt is always my first choice. It is one of those 'day to night' pieces. For errands around town I combine it with a casual sweater and for evening out I wear it with black lace top and switch flats with heels. Voila!

Usnje je že nekaj let pravi modni hit in videti je, da bo tako ostalo tudi to sezono. Je seksi in drzno, a obenem ženstveno in elegantno. Usnjeno krilo je idealno za prehodni čas, saj poleg tega, da ustvari ženstven videz, nudi tudi toploto. Ko sem naveličana hlač (ki jih mimogrede, veliko preveč nosim!), je usnjeno krilo moja prva izbira. Je eden tistih kosov, ki ga z lahkoto spremenim iz dnevnega v večernega. Za opravke po mestu ga kombiniram s širšim puloverjem, za večerne izhode pa h krilu oblečem tanko čipkasto majico in balerinke zamenjam s petami. Voila!


Blazer is no longer reserved only for the business world, but is also a great addition to everyday clothing. Although I am not a fan of blazers, I still think that it's good to have one in your closet. I wear it when I want to add a touch of elegance to a casual outfit or just strive to look polished and smart.

Blazer že dolgo ni več rezerviran samo za poslovni svet, ampak je prav tako odličen dodatek k vsakdanjim oblačilom, saj videzu doda vtis urejenosti in profesionalnosti. Čeprav sama nisem ljubiteljica blazerjev, se mi vseeno zdi, da je v omari dobro imeti vsaj enega. Oblečem si ga, ko želim lahkotnemu stilu v kavbojkah dodati pridih elegance ali pa ga kombiniram k obleki, ko zvečer odhajam na zabavo. 


Fall is usually too warm for boots and too cold for flats, but ideal for booties! This year, the fashion trends have no limits, so I suggest that you choose such that are comfortable for walking and suitable for your style. Tip: you can never go wrong with classic blacks.

Jeseni je običajno pretoplo za škornje in premrzlo za balerinke, vendar idealno za gležnarje! Sama sem jih ravno včeraj dodala na seznam jesenskih stvari, ki jih še potrebujem. Nenazadnje, eni niso nobeni! ;) Letos modne zapovedi ne poznajo meja, zato predlagam, da izberete takšne, ki bodo udobni za hojo in skladni z vašim stilom.


Do I even need to talk about the many great things about black skinnies? Let's just say that they are better version of usual, blue jeans, and much more flattering to any body shape. Since blue and ripped jeans can sometimes make you look unplished and kinda messy, blacks are the ones that make your outfit look more put up but are still very comfortable to wear. Oh, and not even they make your legs look slimmer but with the right shoes (=black boots) also longer. Now who wouldn't want that?

Včasih se sprašujem kaj bi imela vsak dan oblečeno, če ne bi bilo kavbojk.. slednje so postale najosnovnejše oblačilo, ki, upam trditi, ga ima v omari čisto vsak. Modre in sprane so tiste najznačilnejše, ki pa so lahko videti preveč vsakdanje in včasih dajejo videz neurejenosti. Tukaj priskočijo na pomoč črne kavbojke, ki so videti veliko bolj elegantne, poleg tega pa zaradi črne barve zožijo noge in jih v kombinaciji s črnimi gležnarji še podaljšajo. Le katera si ne bi želela tega?!

Photos via:,,,

Xoxo, K.

Wednesday, September 03, 2014

Instaparty N°7

Can you believe it's already September?! Time flies by so fast and I feel like summer has ended before it even started right. I know we're all sad about hot, sunny and carefree days coming to an end.. BUT there are some things to be excited about fall too! First of all: fashion weeks. Second: fall wardrobe shopping. Third: new season of your favourite TV shows and fourth: beautiful autumn leaves and colorful nature.
So let's welcome new season with open arms and say goodbye to summer with this last summer-inspired Instapost.

August was all about:
 - all things girly

- new OPI Muppets nailpolishes
- guilty pleasures 
- beauty hauls
- having fun at the sea

- and welcoming September with a big smile on my face ;)

Now tell me what are you excited about Fall the most?

Follow me: @kajaflisar