
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween makeup ideas

Oh, no! Halloween is just around the corner and I still haven't decided on my mask. As you may know, every year me and my girlfriends dress ourselves as a group mask. Two years ago we were scary dolls and after that we went as dead ballerinas (which you could see in this post). This year we're kinda short on ideas, so I've turned the Pinterest upside down to find inspiration. I gathered my favourite makeup looks in this post and since I can't decide which one to choose (they're all so amazing), I ask you to help me pick the one that you think is the best!

Photos via Pinterest

So, tell me, which mask is your favourite? I look forward to read your comments. Have a scary Halloween! Xo

Monday, October 20, 2014

Fall outfit idea: French rock

Fedora: Misguided | Pants: Acne | Bag: Valentino | Booties: Acne Studios |
Shirt: Only

Every morning when it's time to get dressed, I find myself struggling with choosing appropriate outfit. It takes me so long to decide what to wear that I always end up wearing same outfit. Something like 'closet full of clothes, but nothing to wear' kind of problem, which I'm sure a lot of you struggle with as well, right? Well, this is why I was thinking about creating series of outfit ideas each week, that will hopefuly help us get dressed faster in the morning. I'm starting off with this edgy French rock outfit, for which I got inspiration from Julia Engel of Gal meets Glam and Chiara Ferragni of The Blonde Salad. The look I've created is something in between, it has a little more edgy vibe.

I've started off with a hat (If you follow me on Facebook, you may know my latest obsession with fedoras, which I find perfect for Fall) and built the outfit around it. Since leather is still one of the biggest trends of the season, I chose black leather skinny pants and combined them with some cool pointy toe booties. To break the strong look, I found cute pussy bow shirt and added a small burgundy shoulder bag, that breaks dull black and white outfit. Dark red lips to finish off the look and voila!
If you like this outfit, then go to your closet, give it a good browse and find similar pieces of this look. I'm sure there are some great hidden treasures in it! But even if you don't find anything appropriate, don't worry. I've searched through different online stores and found some similar pieces that can help you create this look.


I really want to know if you like this post and if you'd like to see more like this in the future? I can't wait to hear your thoughts in the comments! Have a great day! Xo

Photos via Polyvore, The Blonde Salad, Gal meets Glam

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Instagram Tips And Tricks

Hey hey! This time I've decided to do something different than the usual Instaparty post. Since Instagram is one of the most popular social networks (it gets a lot more engagement than Facebook or Twitter), I summed up some of my Instagram tips and tricks that can (hopefully) help you create eyecatching photos which will get more likes and attract more followers. I hope you'll learn something new and if you have any other tips to share, I'd be very happy to read them!
Avoid blurred lines
Photos draw people in like nothing else, so make sure that the content is eyecathing and most importantly, avoid blurry photos! Tap on the item on your screen that you want to expose. Your phone will sharpen it and make it stand out from the background.

Use daylight
The lightning can make or break your photos. Use daylight when taking them, since lighter pictures are easier to edit and have a better effect on people.

Play with different angles
Try taking photos from different angles. Shoot your breakfast from above, bouquet of flowers close up and capture landscape from afar. Try different options and see which one works best. This way your layout will look more dynamic and enticing for your potencial followers.

Square your photo
Before taking a photo, set your settings to 'square'. This way you'll catch in frame exactly what you want and won't have to crop the photo later.


Create eyecatching layout
Try to keep your photos in the same style. This way you'll create nice Instagram timeline and overview. Since your layout is the first thing that people see when they visit your profile, it's important that is appealing and nice for the eyes.

Find your signature filter
The filters I use the most are Valencia, which makes your photos a little lighter and adds a hint of yellow undertone to them, Willow, that turns your photos into b&w and is best to be used when the colors of your original photo aren't very flattering. And there are also Walden and Nashville, filters that soften your photos and give them a little dreamy vibe. Try different ones and see which one(s) work best for you and then stick to them.

Play with settings
I always like to play with highlights and shadows in the settings menu. Sometimes I also add a little contrast if necessary or reduce the warmth of the photo. There are plenty of options to improve your original photo with just a few clicks!


There are sooo many different apps for editing photos and I've tried quite a few, but these are the ones that work best for me.

This app is A MUST when taking selfies! With just one click you can whiten your skin, even your skin tone or even dilate your eyes. It also has a lot of retro, lomo or sketch filters, filters for magic skin and light color filters. This app really makes wonders!

I would say that this app is someting like upgraded version of Instagram. It has four sections of interesting filters to choose from and numerous different setting options.

Similar to Camera360, this app has a whole lot of amazing options to beautify your selfies. It can thinify your cheeks, shape your legs and even enlarge your boobs. Now how awesome is that? ;)

Great when taking #ootd photos. It flips and doubles your image and so makes your outfit look more fun.


Don't exaggerate
Use up to 10 hasthtags on every photo.

Join the popular group
If you don't know which hashtags to choose, use some of the most popular ones (but only if they're relevant with your picture).

Keep it real
Keep the hashtags relevant. This way you get people who have the same interest as you to see your photos and are consequently more willing to follow you.

Be active
Gain followers by liking and commenting photos that you like. I do this every morning, when I wake up. It takes me 15 minutes to go thorugh all my favourite acconts and leave comments under the pictures that I like. I can tell you that it pays of, since a lot of people comment back or even start following me.

Spread the love
Tag different brands on your photos. For example, if you're sharing your #nailswag on Instagram, tag the brand of the nailpolish and hopefully the brand will see your photo, like it and repost it on their profile. Their followers will see it, love it and start following you.

Get BFFs
Be friendly and reply to comments. It's always nice to make some new virtual friends! ;)

Open your heart
If you want to get more followers, set your account on 'public'. This way you make it easier for random people to see your profile (and your ah-mazing photos) and instantly decide to follow you.

With all that in mind, don't forget to keep it fun and engaging! And of course, follow me here: @kajaflisar ;)

Friday, October 03, 2014

Très jolie, Paris

All good things come to an end and so has the fashion month. Paris was its grand finale and when there's Paris, there's Chanel. Collections are more fantastic every season and Karl Lagerfeld always surprises with the unique and notable fashion shows. Although this season tweed still remains the main piece of the collection, traditional black and white colors are replaced with the beautiful flowing rainbows. I love the play of different textures, feminine silhouettes and a touch of romance. Karl has once again gave an unforgettable show with divine creations that glorify female body and thus concluded Paris Fashion Week in grand style.

Ob omembi besede Pariz, pomislim na tri stvari: Eifflov stolp, makrone in Chanel. Če bi morala izbrati samo eno znamko, ki jo nosila do konca življenja, bi se najverjetneje odločila za Chanel. Kolekcije so iz sezone v sezono bolj fantastične, Karl Lagerfeld pa vedno znova preseneti z odmevnimi in edinstvenimi modnimi revijami. Čeprav tvid še zmeraj ostaja v ospredju, so včasih značilne črno-bele odtenke, na tokratnem tednu mode zamenjale pisane barve in živahni vzorci. Všeč mi je prepletanje različnih tekstur, ženstvene silhuete in pridih romantičnosti. Karl je ponovno pripravil nepozaben šov z božanskimi kreacijami, ki poveličujejo žensko telo in s tem zaključil pariški teden mode v velikem slogu.



So this are my favourite looks from the last fashion week of the month. Have any of them impressed you too? I can't wait to hear your thoughts!