
Thursday, May 29, 2014

Y.A.T. David Hojnik - DH Fashion

I'm starting Y.A.T. section with young and talented (obviously) David Hojnik, who went from working at Zara to styling assistant and now fashion designer. He has his own line of extravagant jewelry and clothes under name DH Fashion and in just one day he's preparing his own big fashion show. I did an interview with him and after an hour of talking I can tell you that he has some great potencial to create a big name for himself. His positivism, good energy and modesty totally work in his favor and his exquisite hand-made jewelry makes every woman stand out!

Photos via DH Fashion
1. We met at Zara where you've been working as a fashion consultant. Now, after two years, you have your own brand. Tell me how long have you been developing this idea of launching your own line?

“It all started in my childhood when other kids were drawing cars and houses while I drew clothes. The idea to design did not strike me until later on when I went to high school and college. I thought about applying for design school but saw no greater future in it, so I chose media communications. At the same time I started working at Zara and participated at various photo shoots as a stylist. At that point I could express my own creativity and combine different items into attractive designs that caught people’s attention. That time I realized this is something I want to do a bit more seriously and voila – a year after developing my idea I’m having my own big fashion show!”

2. Your jewelry is unique and handmade. How long does it take you to create one piece?

“Since every piece is unique the process from the idea to final product is very long and can last for days. Actual labor depends on the difficulty of the jewelry design itself. Clothing is different. It’ made by two seamstresses (one of them is my grandma), but the ideas, sketches and sewing patterns are all mine.”

3. Leglace (a necklace for the leg) is something completely new and never before seen in Slovene or foreign fashion industry. Where did this genuine idea come from?

“Honestly, leglace was created by mere coincidence. I wanted to do a special styling, so I thought about where to put a necklace other than the neck. We tried putting it around the leg and it looked well. I adjusted it, added elastic and so the leglace was born.”

4. You have over 3.000 fans on Facebook, which probably means people like your products. How do they accept your brand?

“People have accepted my brand excellently, especially the leglace, which has become quite a sensation. I’ve also noticed girls making their own leg jewelry. I’m really glad to have experienced such a positive feedback, which is exactly what gives me an extra boost and makes me want to exceed even more.

5. What’s your say on Slovenian girls? Are they bold and fashionable enough, or should they be more daring?

“It seems to me that mainly younger generations are becoming more and more fashion-aware and go for the bold combinations more frequently. Men are a bit more reserved when it comes to fashion novelties, but I’m sure that will change in time.”

6. Who is the best dressed Slovenian socialite, in your opinion? Which celebrity would you like to dress?

Lately I’ve been following this new generation of famous Slovenian girls that are very fashionable and have the image of trendsetters. These are Demetra Malalan, Zala Đurić Ribič and Ula Furlan. Their style is closest to me, but I am pleased to dress any woman, especially if I make her happy by doing so.

7. Now let’s talk about the big event. We’re looking forward to tomorrow’s big fashion show on Hotel City’s terrace where you’ll be introducing your collection. What can the visitors expect? Are you preparing any surprises?

By all means, the show will be very extravagant and prominent. I’m expecting about 400 guests. Also, Amaya (Maja Keuc) will be performing and walking down the catwalk. I’m really excited and sorry not to be able to see the show, since I’ll have to be backstage. In any case, I promise a high-ranking fashion show that won’t let down the audience.

8. You named the show VIVID. What does it represent? Is there a special meaning behind it?

Vivid means something vibrant, something different and it represents peculiarity and sophistication. Besides, it’s a connection to my name (David) and I think it represents exactly what my collection expresses.

9. How much preparation was necessary for the show? Are we talking days or months?

“We’re talking months, for sure. The idea of a fashion show was in my head since the beginning of my designing career and the execution bean at the end of last year, when I saw I was ready. Even though it’s only been a year since I’ve made my first jewelry, I didn’t want to wait too long. I realized this is the best time for it, since people don’t know me that well. A lot of hard work has been put into it and it lasted about six months to do it. I’ve put the last dress on the clothing rack yesterday, so the collection is ready at last.”

10. What are your plans? Are you staying in Slovenia or would you like to prove yourself abroad?

“Everyone’s telling me to go abroad, because I have nothing to do here in Slovenia – but I disagree. Everyone that is good goes abroad and therefore no potential is left here. I believe you can succeed in our country, so I will persist for now because I would like to spread a vision about accepting differences and daring to stand out. It’s more of a daydream for now, but I believe I can make it eventually. I stand behind the philosophy that allows you to be who you are without having a guilty conscience.”

11. Any advice for aspiring fashion designers who’d like to make names for themselves?

“Dare to do it! I feel sorry for people that study fashion, but throw their talent away later on, because they lack the courage to develop it. Think positive and trust your skills. Thinking about failure is pointless. If you won’t make it the first attempt, you’ll make it the second time around!”

Rubriko Y.A.T. začenjam s predstavitvijo mladega talenta Davida Hojnika in njegove linije nakita in oblačil DH Fashion. David je 22-letni študent medijskih komunikacij, modni svetovalec v Zari in po novem tudi modni oblikovalec z izrednim občutkom za estetiko in modo, ki se odlično znajde tudi v vlogi modela. Sicer oblikovanje nakita in oblek ni bilo v njegovem prvem planu, a ga to delo trenutno zelo veseli in želi na tem področju še veliko doseči. "Go with the flow" pravi in si ne želi točno začrtati svoje kariere, ampak pušča odprta vrata novim priložnostim. Njegova kolekcija odraža drugačnost, vpadljivost in ekstravagantnost in Davidov nakit je definitivno nekaj, s čimer izstopa prav vsaka ženska!

1. Pred dvema letoma sva se spoznala v Zari, kjer si delal kot modni svetovalec. Zdaj, ko se ponovno srečava pa imaš že svojo modno znamko. Povej, kako dolgo se je ta ideja oblikovala v tvoji glavi?

"Vse se je začelo že v otroštvu, ko so nekateri otroci v vrtcu risali avte, drugi hiše, jaz pa sem risal obleke. Sicer se mi ideja o oblikovanju še ni porodila takrat, ampak ob odhodu na srednjo šolo in faks. Razmišljal sem o vpisu na oblikovalsko šolo, ampak takrat v oblikovanju nisem videl neke prihodnosti, zato sem se raje odločil za študij medijskih komunikacij. V tistem obdobju sem začel delati tudi v Zari in poleg tega sodeloval pri raznih fotošutingih, kjer sem pomagal kot stilist. Takrat sem začel izražati svojo kreativnost, kombiniral različne kose in nastale so atraktivne kreacije, ki so pritegnile pozornost ljudi. Spoznal sem, da se s tem želim ukvarjat malo resneje in evo, zdaj, po enem letu, odkar se je razvila ta ideja, imam veliko modno revijo!"

2. Tvoj nakit je unikaten in ročno izdelan. Kako dolgo traja, da izdelaš en kos nakita?

"Ker je vsak kos unikaten, je proces od ideje do končnega produkta zelo dolg in lahko traja tudi po več dni. Kar se fizičnega dela tiče, je odvisno od zahtevnosti nakita. Neka verižica lahko nastane v dveh urah ali pa zanjo porabim petnajst ur. Pri oblačilih je drugače. Izdelujeta jih dve šivilji (ena od njiju je moja babica), ideje, skice in kroji pa so moje delo."

3. Leglace (verižica za okrog noge) je nekaj popolnoma novega, kar še ni bilo videno niti na slovenskem niti na tujem modnem trgu. Od kje taka izvirna ideja?

"Iskreno povedano, je leglace nastal po čistem naključju. Hotel sem narediti en poseben stajling in razmišljal kam je še mogoče nadeti verižico, razen okrog vratu. Poskusili smo z verižico okrog noge in ker je dobro izgledalo, sem jo prilagodil, dodal elastiko in tako je nastal leglace."

4. Na Facebooku imaš že več kot 3000 fanov, kar verjetno pomeni, da so ljudem tvoji izdelki všeč. Kako sprejemajo tvojo linijo?

"Ljudje so mojo linijo odlično sprejeli, sploh leglace je postal pravi bum. Opazil sem celo, da so si punce začele že same izdelovati verižice za okrog noge. Res sem vesel, da so odzivi tako pozitivni in prav to je tisto, kar mi daje dodaten zagon in zaradi česar se bom še bolj izkazal."

5. Kaj praviš na Slovenke, so dovolj drzne in modne ali bi si morale več upati?

"Zdi se mi, da se predvsem mlade generacije bolj in bolj modno ozaveščajo in vedno pogosteje posežejo po drznih kombinacijah. Mislim, da se nam počasi obeta modni napredek. Moški so sicer glede modnih novosti še zmeraj bolj zadržani, ampak verjamem, da se bo tudi to sčasoma spremenilo."

6. Kdo je po tvojem mnenju najbolje oblečena slovenska estradnica? Katero med njimi bi z veseljem oblekel?

"V zadnjem času spremljam to novo generacijo slovenskih slavnih punc, ki so zelo dovzetne za modo in se jih že drži imidž trendseterk. Ko vidiš ta dekleta, si rečeš: Njo pa je vredno posnemat. To so npr. Demetra Malalan, Zala Đurić Ribič in Ula Furlan. Njihov stil mi je nekako najbližji, drugače pa sem vesel vsake ženske, ki jo lahko oblečem in moje največje veselje je, ko jo s tem osrečim."

7. Zdaj pa se posvetiva še velikemu dogodku. Jutri se nam obeta velika modna revija na terasi hotela City, v kateri boš predstavil svojo kolekcijo. Kaj lahko obiskovalci od nje pričakujejo? Nas morda čaka kakšno presenečenje?

"Vsekakor bo revija zelo ekstravagantna in odmevna! Pričakujem približno štiristo gostov, nastopila pa bo tudi Amaya (Maja Keuc), ki se bo sprehodila po 60m dolgi pisti. Zelo se že veselim in prav žal mi je, da revije ne bom mogel videti, ker bom moral biti v zaodrju. Vsekakor pa obljubljam, da bo revija na nivoju in da obiskovalci domov ne bodo odšli razočarani."

8. Revijo si naslovil VIVID. Kaj predstavlja to ime? Je za njim kakšen poseben pomen?

"Vivid pomeni nekaj živega, nekaj drugačnega in predstavlja posebnost in sofisticiranost. Poleg tega gre za navezavo z mojim imenom (David) in mislim, da v končni fazi predstavlja točno to, kar izraža moja kolekcija."

9. Koliko priprav je bilo potrebnih za revijo? Govoriva o dnevih ali mesecih?

"Bova govorila kar o mesecih. Idejo o modni reviji sem imel v glavi že v začetkih mojega ustvarjanja, realizirati pa se je začela konec lanskega leta, ko sem videl, da sem nanjo pripravljen. Čeprav je od tega, odkar sem ustvaril svoj prvi nakit, komaj eno leto, nisem hotel z revijo predolgo čakati, ampak sem se odločil, da je najboljši čas zanjo prav zdaj, ko me ljudje še ne poznajo tako dobro. Pri realizaciji mojih idej mi je pomagala moja ekipa, brez katere mi ne bi nikoli uspelo. Bilo je ogromno trdega dela in trajalo je približno pol leta, da smo ta dogodek spravili skupaj. Včeraj sem na stojalo obesil še zadnjo obleko, tako da je zdaj kolekcija dokončno pripravljena."

10. Kakšni so tvoji nadalnji načrti, boš ostal v Sloveniji ali se želiš uveljaviti tudi v tujini?

"Vsi mi pravijo naj grem v tujino, ker v Sloveniji nimam kaj iskati, ampak jaz se s tem ne strinjam. Vsi, ki so dobri gredo v tujino in tako v Sloveniji ne ostane nič potenciala. Jaz mislim, da se tudi pri nas da uspeti in zato bom zaenkrat še vztrajal v Sloveniji, saj bi rad razširil vizijo o tem, da ljudje sprejmejo drugačnost in si upajo izstopati. Zaenkrat je ta vizija še fantazijska, ampak mislim, da mi/nam sčasoma lahko uspe. Zagovarjam mnenje, da če hočeš lahko 'furaš' to kar si, brez da imaš pri tem slabo vest."

11. Kakšen nasvet za mlade nadobudne oblikovalce, ki se želijo uveljaviti na tem področju?

"Naj si upajo! Žal mi je ljudi, ki študirajo modno oblikovanje, potem pa ta talent zavržejo, ker nimajo dovolj poguma, da bi ga razvili. Naj razmišljajo pozitivno in zaupajo v svoje sposobnosti. Razmišljanje o neuspehu je nesmiselno. Če ne bo uspelo v prvo, bo pa v drugo!"

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Introducing: Y.A.T.

Photo via

Young. Talented. Young And Talented. This is what Y.A.T. stands for. It is going to be a new section of my blog, where I'll feature young artists (be it design, makeup, photography or any other fashion-related artists) that are gaining ground in this area. I feel like it's very important for young talented adults to support each other. Especially in my small country, where it's really hard to establish your name, since people aren't very receptive to new things. 
Let's take blogging for example. A lot of people still think it's such a stupid idea to write about clothes, make inspirational colagges or take photos of your own outfits. I agree, it may really sound silly to people who aren't familiar with this field. But do they know that blogging has become a full-time job and occuppation that offers travelling the world, meeting some of the biggest designers and earn more than in many other 'normal' jobs? I bet they don't. Times have changed and development of technology has created new jobs. I wish people would be more acceptable and support new talents that are discovering these new areas.

All that said, Y.A.T. is going to be a presentation of young people and their work in an interview. I hope you're going to like it and get to know some of the new Slovenian rising stars ;)

Mladi in talentirani, young and talented. To je Y.A.T. Gre za novo rubriko, ki sem se jo odločila uvesti v blog. V njej bom predstavljala mlade umetnike (naj bodo to oblikovalci, fotografi ali make-up artisti), ki se še uveljavljajo na modnem področju. Sploh v naši mali državi se mi zdi izredno pomembno, da med mladimi talenti vlada prijateljstvo in da drug drugega pri delu podpirajo/mo. Po mojem mnenju so ljudje namreč še zmeraj zelo nedovzetni za nove stvari. 
Če vzamem za primer bloganje.. veliko znancem se še zmeraj zdi totalno neumno, da blogerka piše o tem, kaj si je nazadnje kupila v trgovini ali kaj se skriva v njeni torbici. In zakaj za vraga bi se slikala v svojih outfitih in to objavila na svojem blogu? Ok, mogoče se res sliši neumno, ampak ko enkrat veš, da lahko to postane tvoj poklic, tvoja služba, s pomočjo katere lahko prepotuješ velik del sveta in zaslužiš veliko več kot marsikdo v 'običajni' službi.. ko veš, da lahko opravljaš delo, ki te dejansko veseli in v katerem uživaš.. no, potem vse skupaj ni več tako nesmiselno. Seveda je res, da ne uspe kar vsakomur, ampak ko enkrat veš, da je uspelo drugim.. zakaj ne bi tudi tebi?

Z omenjeno rubriko bi rada ljudem približala nova modna področja, ki jih je omogočil družbeni razvoj in upam, da pripomorem k temu, da ljudje postanejo bolj dovzetni in spodbudni do mladih talentov.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Burberry dreams

Burberry Prorsum is the brand that never leaves me cold. Just look at those feminine silhouettes and soft pastels and tell me if they don't work their magic on you!

This time I just wanted to share with you some of my favourite bags from this seasons' collection. It would be a dream come true to own just one of them.. ahh :) which one is your favourite? I think I'd choose The Petal gum clutch.

Burberry bags

Friday, May 09, 2014

New In

If you've read my post about Spring cleaning, you could see that the last step of organizing your closet is to make a list of the things you still need and.. go shopping! This is exactly what I did and during one month bought some new clothes that were (more or less) needed in my wardrobe. Now I'm sharing them with you because everyone knows that sharing is caring! ;)

I've been searching for a denim jacket for such a long time and couldn't find the perfect fit. It seemed like it's just not my style. But then I saw this one in H&M, tried it on and.. bingo! It was the perfect match. It's not the usual denim jacket but kinda has that leather jacket style. I also love its cool patched shoulders and zippers.

Nude sandals are one of the most classic and versatile shoes that every girl needs in her closet. They're so easy to combine and these ones from Zara are also very comfortable to walk in. I almost had to fight for them, since my size was sold out. But I guees they have been destined for me, since I finally got them at the end! :)

Black leather skirt is this year's must-have. I mean, it's just so verastile, you can combine it with in fact anything. From tucked-in sweaters during daytime and crop tops in the evenings. I got it in H&M.

I know that peplum isn't really in fashion anymore, but I still like it. I bought this shirt in Topshop yesterday and love its material. The upper part is made of neoprene and lower part of fake leather. It's perfect for long summer party nights!

You might already know that bags are my biggest obsession. I actually haven't bought any in a few seasons so we can say that it was about time for a new purchase ;) I fell in love with this small red DK bag the minute I saw it. I love its chain straps and the fact that you can wear it as a shoulder or crossbody bag. And do I even have to talk about the color? You know I'm a sucker for brights!

Last but not least- pants. Everybody needs them, right? :) Skinny jeans is from Massimo Dutti (the best model ever!) and the black ones are from Topshop. They're made out of a very thin fabric and perfect for warmer season.

I hope you like this post and don't hesitate to share with me YOUR new-ins! ;) Xoxo

Friday, May 02, 2014

How to Find Your Personal Style

"Style is something each of us already has, all we need to do is find it."
-Diane von Furstenberg

Sounds easy, right? But we all know it's not as simple as it sounds. It takes a lot of trial and fails when searching for your personal style, but don't worry about making mistakes along the way. Developing your personal style is a journey, not a destination and experimanting with different styles should be fun!

Finding your personal fashion style is all about getting to know yourself and be confident about it. Your style is the mirror of your taste, interest, desires, inspirations and history. Show the world the aspect you want to express through your style!

Knowing your personal style makes dressing in the morning and shopping for clothes so much easier. When you know what flatters you the most, you know what to look for in stores and never make any mistakes again. Here are some tips to help you find and express your true style.

Skim through magazines, fashion sites and blogs to find your inspiration. Pinterest and Tumblr are also great places to find the trends you like. Save the photos of your favourite outfits and style icons in a folder and find a pattern of what you like. Translate those looks into your own style. You can even print those images and make your own scrapbook. I have mine and it's so much fun (and relaxing)!

Have your eyes open for things around you! It doesn't have to be celebrities or bloggers that inspire you, it can be your friends, sister, colegues or even nature and architecture that surrounds you.

Like I said, your personal style is reflection of who you are. Writing down the qualities that describe you the most is a great place to start. Ask yourself How do you want others to see you? Which of your features do you want to show the world? Do you want others to see you as a smart and independent woman? Or do you want to give them an impression of a cute and flirty girl? Once you answer these questions, think what kind of clothes represent your personality the most.

Great thing to monitor your style journey is to keep a journal of your looks. You can start by taking OOTD photos on Instagram or even create your own fashion blog (it can be for your eyes only). Your style will evolve through the years and it should. Journal will give you a better picture of what looks good on you and which type of clothes don't flatter you at all.

The most important thing when finding your own style is to really know your body shape. Some say Wear whatever you like, as long as you feel comfortable in it. I mean.. when was fashion ever comfortable? I don't think there is anyone that can pull off every single trend or outfit.

The most important thing is to accept your body and emphasize the good parts and hide those little flaws. There are so many different shapes and patterns that can work in your favour! If you have slim legs, expose them with skinny floral pants. If you want to hide your wide hips, wear high-waisted A-line skirt and bring the attention to your upper part with bright shirt.

Easy way to start creating your personal style is to get basic pieces and start building your look around them. You can never go wrong with jeans, simple white tee and a leather jacket (as long as they fit you perfectly!). From there, add your own touch to the look, whether it's a bright bag, chunky earrings or stock of rings. Find accessories and jewelry that represent your personality the most. But keep in mind that less is still more.

I found a great quote that says it all: "Fashion is what you're offered four times a year. Style is what you pick out of that fashion."

I'm often annoyed when I see girls and bloggers following every single trend that occurs (skorts, Birkenstocks and mules being just some of them). Don't do this! Don't be a trend slave! Have your own voice and pick the trends that flatters you and which you wear because you actually like them (and not because EVERYONE is wearing them). There are so many trends that no doubt you won't find some that work for your figure and personality.

All that said, the most important thing is to feel good in what you wear.. to really feel YOU! So be confident and let your awesome style speak for you.